





已发表研究论文30余篇,申请国家发明专利10余项(已授权9项),入选英国皇家化学学会 “ Top 1%高被引作者(2019年)”,曾担任国际会议分会主席主持分会场英文口头报告,荣获国际会议优秀学术论文奖;受邀担任国际期刊《Materials》的Topic Editor和《Polymers》的Guest Editor,是《Macromolecules》、《ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering》、《Langmuir》、《Optics Express》、《Journal of Materials Science》等国际重要刊物的审稿专家,中国微纳米技术协会高级会员。






2016.1-至今  华侨大学,欢迎来到公赌船710网址,副教授

2013.7-2015.12  华侨大学,欢迎来到公赌船710网址,讲师







6)参与国家“863”计划子课题1项、 国家自然科学基金面上项目1项和 国家自然科学基金青年项目2项


22) Lei T.*, et al., Facile preparation of superhydrophobic membrane inspired by Chinese traditional hand-stretched noodles, Coatings, 2021, 11 (2): 228.  (SCI, 通讯作者)

21)  Lei T.*, et al., Design aspects of (super)hydrophobic mesh based oil-collecting device with improved efficiency, SN Appl. Sci., 2021, 3 (1): 135.  (SCI, 通讯作者)

20) Lei T., et al., 2D → 3D conversion of superwetting mesh: A simple but powerful strategy for effective and efficient oil/water separation, Sep. Purif. Technol., 2020, 242(1):116244.  (SCI)

19) Lei T., et al., New insight into gap electrospinning: toward meter-long aligned nanofibers, Langmuir, 2018, 34, 45, 13788–13793. (SCI)

18)  Lei T.*, et al., Electrospinning of very long and highly aligned fibers, J. Mater. Sci., 2017, 52(24): 14004-14010.  (SCI, 通讯作者)

17)  Lei T.*, et al., Facile transformation of soot nanoparticles into nanoporous fibers via single-step electrospinning, AIP Adv., 2017, 7 (8): 085212.   (SCI)

16)  Lei T.*, et al.,  A critical analysis of the α, β and γ phases in poly (vinylidene fluoride) using FTIR, RSC Adv., 2017, 7(25), 15382-15389.  (SCI, 通讯作者,ESI高被引论文,该刊同年发表论文被引次数排名第一)

15) Lei T.*, et al., Effect of polyaniline (emeraldine base) addition on α to β phase transformation in electrospun PVDF fibers, J. Macromol. Sci. Part B-Phys, 2017, 56(2): 75-82.  (SCI, 通讯作者)

14)  Lei T.*, et al., Alignment of electrospun fibers using the whipping instability, Mater. Lett., 2017, 193: 248-250.  (SCI)

13)  雷廷平*, 等,  基于电纺技术的纸质文物保护初探. 化工新型材料, 2017, 45: 241-243.  (通讯作者)

12)  雷廷平*, 等,  基于蜡烛灰的聚合物超疏水纤维膜的电纺制备, 第17届全国特种加工学术会议, 2017, 中国.广州. (通讯作者)

11)  Lei T.*, et al., Fabrication of three-dimensional nanofibrous macrostructures by electrospinning, AIP Adv., 2016, 6, 055304.  (SCI, 通讯作者)

10)  Lei T.*, et al., Electrospinning of PVDF nanofibrous membranes with controllable crystalline phases, Appl. Phys. A, 2015, 120(1): 5-10. (SCI)

9)  Lei T.*, et al., Electrospinning- induced preferred dipole orientation in PVDF fibers, J. Mater. Sci., 2015, 50(12): 4342-4347.  (SCI)

8)  Lei T.*, et al., Predicting polymorphism of electrospun PVDF membranes by their morphologies, J. Macromol. Sci. Part B-Phys., 2015, 54(1): 91-101.  (SCI)

7)  Lei T.*, et al., Fabrication of various micro/nano structures by modified near-field electrospinning, AIP Adv. 2015, 5(4) 041301.  (SCI)

6)  Lei T.*, et al. Nanofiber alignment during electrospinning: effects of collector structures and governing parameters, 3M-NANO, 2014, Taipei, Taiwan. (EI)

5)  Lei T.*, et al., Spectroscopic evidence for a high fraction of ferroelectric phase induced in electrospun polyvinylidene fluoride fibers, RSC Adv., 2013, 3(47): 24952-24958.  (SCI)

4)  Lei T., et al., Electrospinning PVDF/EC fibre from a binary solvent system, Inter. J. Nanomanuf. 2012, 8(4): 294-305. (EI)

3)  Lei T., et al., Direct fabrication of polymer nanofiber membrane for piezoelectric vibration sensor, SENSORS, 2011 IEEE, Limerick, Ireland. (SCI)

2)  Lei T., et al., Chlorine gas sensors using hybrid organic semiconductors of PANI/ZnPcCl16, J. Semicond., 2010, 31, 084010. (EI)

1)  Lei T.*, et al., Synthesis of organic semiconductor hexadecachloro zinc phthalocyanine and its gas sensitivity, J. Semicond., 2009, 30, 034009.  (EI, 通讯作者)


1) 雷廷平,卢希钊,付胜杰,杨帆,刘灿华,苟艳丽, 纳米纤维批量图案化装置  (ZL201410264712.4)

2) 雷廷平,李智,朱萍,卯贵宾,李文琪,林爱敏,一种有序纳米纤维大面积批量制造装置  (ZL201510095701.2)

3) 雷廷平,郜明,杜士卿,郭子杰,朱晓瑞,李恒彬, 纳米纤维大面积交联化装置  (ZL201510970734.7)

4) 雷廷平,王姝玉,郑靖重,杨帆, 超长有序纳米纤维制备装置 (ZL201610143139.0)

5) 汤须崇,肖尚晨,雷廷平,寇馨月,徐祥,赵雯;郭子杰, 一种聚己内酯/聚乙二醇复合串珠状纤维及其制备方法  (ZL201510738117.4)

6) 汤须崇,徐祥,雷廷平,肖尚晨,寇新月,赵雯, 一种担载紫杉醇的串珠状纳米纤维及其制备方法  (ZL201510915184.9)

7) 汤须崇,寇馨月,雷廷平,肖尚晨,徐祥,赵雯, 一种负载抗肿瘤药物的有序纳米纤维及其制备方法  (ZL201510915089.9)

8) 蔡晓梅,朱芷若,苏铃,雷廷平, 一种重油、轻油、水三种成分分离装置及其分离方法(ZL201811386079.0)

9) 蔡晓梅,苏铃,朱芷若,雷廷平, 一种基于单一超润湿金属网的油水分离装置及其分离方法(ZL201811386049.X)

【2022年招生】: 微纳气体传感器、含油废水处理技术

【联系方式】 tplei@hqu.edu.cn


